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We have taken various pet commissions from people and enjoy capturing people’s furry/scaly/feathery loved ones. We have a menagerie of animals in our house, and I’ve always liked to paint and draw them ever since I was a kid.

A majority of our work is completed digitally via a tablet computer and stylus. I have used slightly muted colours in these pieces to focus on the detail of the smaller features of the subjects, such as the patterns in the fur and the way it falls on the body.

I like to draw in a variety of styles and explore a variety of looks and aesthetics. I find it fascinating how changing a style can change the feel of a piece and how drastically it changes someone’s feelings towards a piece.

These pieces are some of my favourites to have worked on and were commissioned by a family friend.
Speedpaints of these pieces can be found on my social media if you are interested in my process when it comes to this style of art.

Developing an atmosphere within a piece is often one of the hardest things to do within art.

This is a horror game concept piece that I did for a group of game developers to help inspire them with an atmosphere and develop the characters within their game.
This mushroom, animalistic creature is strange and off-putting and is meant to be an enemy that the player could fight.